1949 – 2020
Prof.Dr.Vee is a Music Information Technologist from India, being the first Indian Doctorate in the interdisciplinary field of Physics, Music and Ancient Tamil Text. This is the official website of Dr.Vee, created by his son for the purpose of celebrating and supporting Dr.Vee’s work.
His Inter-Disciplinary research included
- Music Information Technology (MIT)
- Musical Linguistics
- Natural Language Processing
- Ancient texts of Tamil & Sanskrit
- Music in Building Architecture
- Music Software/App Development
The Logic of Defreezing the Music from the Building Architecture, started from Vitruvius (80 -15 BC), and pursued by Iannis Xenakis, among many others in the modern era, was finally discovered by Dr.Vee, as the Project Consultant of the on-going R & D project at National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, with patent and published in SCI journal ‘Multimedia Tools and Applications – Springer‘
On the discovery of ‘Musical Linguistics’ based on the ‘Musical Phonetics in Tholkappiam’
“Very intriguing. I hope all of this can become part of an emerging discipline of ‘Musical Linguistics’ “ – Prof.Noam Chomsky (Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
On the discovery of ‘Musical Threads’ & ‘Muxel’
‘Musical Threads’ & ‘ MUXEL’ – A New Concept in Digital Music for Enhanced Aesthetics’ – Like PIXEL in visual graphics, MUXEL in musical aural graphics, was the result of the convergence of the above discoveries with the ‘Sruthi’ concept, and ‘MICROSOUND’.
“It (Musical Threads) sounds potentially interesting. Best wishes on your interesting research” – Curtis Roads, Professor and Chair, Media Arts and Technology, University of California.
On the discovery of ‘MUXEL’
“The concept of “Muxel” as opposed to “Pixel” has undoubtly a creative potential, which is worth to be further developed.”- Comment from Robert Peck, Editor in Chief, Journal of Mathematics and Music, SCI Journal.
www.muxel.sg to publish and support the R & D of Dr Vee